Mistakes are the stepping stone of our life. If we will not do mistake, then how we all will learn? If you want to progress in life, you need to find out the errors you did before. You have to evaluate yourself. If you will not learn from your mistakes, you will not grow. To grow in life you have to correct something incorrect. You have to find out the depth of the mistake that once you did. Failure is a part of life. Failures help you to see the…

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We as a society are very judgmental. We just need a thing or two and then we form our opinions about them. People should not be judged because of their choices. There are things which might go right for them, which were wrong for you. Image Source We should not judge people. We never knew the effect our judgments have on people’s mental health. It is a human nature to be judgmental. But we should try to be as inclusive about people’s choices as we can be. Always be kind…

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Love is the purest emotion in the world. In love, nothing is right and wrong. Different people experience it in different manner. But we have made Love very mainstream. Love is not only about Man and Woman sharing a beautiful and close bond. It is much more than that. Love is above gender, boundaries, race, religion, etc. Image Source Love is an emotion which everyone has right to feel. No one should be looked down for the person they love or the way they love. We have love very perfect…

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