
Mother is the most important person in everyone’s lifetime. Mother loves her child more than everyone else does. Her level of forgiveness for her children is unmatchable. A mother sacrifices everything for her children. Her sacrifices are more than everyone else’s sacrifices. She even sacrifices her happiness for her children. No one else can care this way for their children as mothers do. The things taught by the mother to her children play important role in the child’s future. This decide how the child will be in future whether he…

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Love is the purest emotion in the world. In love, nothing is right and wrong. Different people experience it in different manner. But we have made Love very mainstream. Love is not only about Man and Woman sharing a beautiful and close bond. It is much more than that. Love is above gender, boundaries, race, religion, etc. Image Source Love is an emotion which everyone has right to feel. No one should be looked down for the person they love or the way they love. We have love very perfect…

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Teenage is the period when people go through lot of changes not only physically but mentally also. We experience a lot of firsts during this age. Everything fascinates during this phase. Love is one such emotion which we experience first time in teenage. Teenagers are not that mature emotionally and mentally to understand what love is as they are still developing and get acquainted with new emotions and feelings in this stage. Image Source Teenagers are very high on hormones. They sometimes term infatuation and attraction as love. That’s not…

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