Nowadays, we see a lot of people breaking up. Whether they are celebrities, someone we know and even we ourselves. I am not going to discuss the pros and cons of breakup. That is something which we all know. Image Source Breakup happens, because people tend to fall apart for one or another reason. It can be difference of personalities, lack of compatibility, different priorities or falling out of love, yes, this happens. Most of the times, I have seen people talking negatively about their ex and their past relationships.…

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Human being is that the most lovely creation of god. We tend to all born to be equal however our society has given higher position to males. In sacred text age women enjoyed an awfully respectable position within the society. However at the moment the condition of the women deteriorated and in eighteenth century women were the victims of many social evils like sati, purdah system, polygamy etc. Then with the assistance of social reforms like Swami Vivekananda, Raja Rammohan Roy and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan etc the condition of…

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Love is the purest emotion in the world. In love, nothing is right and wrong. Different people experience it in different manner. But we have made Love very mainstream. Love is not only about Man and Woman sharing a beautiful and close bond. It is much more than that. Love is above gender, boundaries, race, religion, etc. Image Source Love is an emotion which everyone has right to feel. No one should be looked down for the person they love or the way they love. We have love very perfect…

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Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his/her inborn biological characteristics. It has existed throughout human history on the basis of the color of their skin, language, religion, customs, even the place where they are born. An important feature of racism, especially towards BLACKS and IMMIGRANTS group, is they are treated like slaves. India is a developing country, but even in the developed countries like USA, racism still exists. Recently George Floyd (Black)…

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Seeking validation is valid

For major part of my life I was the most carefree and ignorant when it comes to seeking validation. As I am person with self-made targets and strong opinions. I never really bothered what one is thinking of my work as to the extend where I am satisfied. Last Sunday sitting up with a cup of coffee and my imaginations, I wondered how things would have been if I considered others suggestions and welcomed negative comments. Things would be different, different from what I always lived with. Maybe I will…

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Feminism is the radical idea that men and women are human beings, and human beings deserve equal treatment. It just demands equal rights and opportunities for women. Feminism is not about bashing man or being against male gender. Image Source Feminism is often misunderstood for Misandry. Misandry is hatred or prejudice again male/boy whereas Feminism is having equal rights and privileges as the male counterpart have. But some people mold there meaning of feminism as per their convenience. Feminism nowhere has when wrong when some feminist started demanding rights more…

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Mind is the most powerful in this world. Mind can be both constructive or destructive. It only depends on us how we create or make it. If you are a positive person, you will ultimately face challenges and obstacles without any difficulty and if you are negative from inside, even the easiest situations might get tougher for you. Mind stores a lot from our daily activities. We do a lot of things in our day to day life and construct negative opinions regarding something and feed it in our mind.…

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The power of good communication can never be underestimated. Communication is prerequisite for everyone in whatever job they are. The very first impression of a person is made only by his/her communication style, body language too plays a role here. But physical appearance and body language cannot overpower communication. For you to communicate easily you should be aware of some basic facts related to it. Every person around you is open to conversations we all live in a world where everyone is keen to make friends and no one wants…

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I can be IGNORANT too!

In today’s society with every individual having a strong voices and opinions on things I think a bit different sometimes having no say in things that does not interest you is completely fine. Youth nowadays is so credence on matters such as political shambles and celebrity world that if one choose to be quiet they are stated as dunderhead and cowards. Which is wrong according to my sense of knowledge. Until and unless its part of your work to be aware of something it should be your choice to talk about…

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