Netiquette is defined as, “the correct or acceptable way of using the internet”, as per Oxford Dictionary. It facilitates social conventions. It is the set of guidelines or rules we follow while using internet. Image source There are some rules which we must follow while using Internet: Don’t say things which you will not say in person Always proof-read before sending anything online Respect other people’s time and bandwidth. Don’t share information overload that real information gets lost in it. Respect people’s privacy and don’t make it a topic of…

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Life is a game, a game which you aren’t aware of. You don’t know what will happen on the very next moment. What you just need to do is keep playing it. Everybody around you is a player. To win, people will use you, they will bully you to move forward in this game. They will pull you down in front of others so that you lose your confidence. You have to be strong enough to fight with these people. Even the ones that are closer to you can use…

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