School life is one of the important and memorable memory of our life. It is mainly because of our school friends and and the environment we have in our school. It is the only time we can spend as much time as we can with our school friends have fun play games and study our favorite subjects. Image Source School life is one of the first stage when we enter public life. School helps us in building our future it also teaches us morals and virtues like perseverance, sincerity, truthfulness,…

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Goal setting is just a way of planning something in your mind, and then motivating yourself in order to achieve it. For this you need to have a strong mindset that whatever you are planning, you have to change it into reality. You need to execute the desired plan. Goal setting is basically finding a great way to achieve your goals. You need to be clear in your mind about your passion and interest. Whatever your heart wants, just do it. When you will listen to your heart, your brain…

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Of course marks matter. But do they matter more than knowledge? Do they matter more than skill? Do they matter more than you? Are they the only criteria to judge somebody?? The answer to all these question is No. It doesn’t. Marks are only the eligibility criteria and not the “only criteria” to assess someone. Image Source The result for Class 10 and 12 are being declared in country and we everyday see newspaper and social media filled with the images and stories of toppers. They deserve all the appreciation…

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  We all are doing great in our jobs. We are happy and satisfied with our work and everyone likes our work too. But does that mean that we have accomplished our goal? Does that mean that no more improvising is required? Image Source No, we are in a world where there is no space for stagnation. We have to constantly grow ourselves. Always try to find new solutions to already solved problems. This will help you increase your horizons and will eventually lead to an improvement. We should cherish…

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Internet is growing by the day. More and more people are getting connected while new websites are being created everyday. The entry of private Internet service providers has made the access faster and easier, which has been a boon for the industry. The rapid growth is giving rise to many employment opportunities and trained people will be required for a variety of services related to the Internet. Many people are able to find jobs through the Internet as there are many sites on which one can put one’s resume. The…

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The subconscious mind is something that is not imaginary. It is basically very real and an integral part of us. Subconscious mind only thinks about present and does not know anything related to past and future. It stores all the information of our past lives, whatever we have dealt with something in our past. It remembers everything. Our own thoughts and beliefs of the world were formed when we were quite younger. That is why it is really important to teach children right things from the very beginning. A child…

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The power of good communication can never be underestimated. Communication is prerequisite for everyone in whatever job they are. The very first impression of a person is made only by his/her communication style, body language too plays a role here. But physical appearance and body language cannot overpower communication. For you to communicate easily you should be aware of some basic facts related to it. Every person around you is open to conversations we all live in a world where everyone is keen to make friends and no one wants…

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