School life is one of the important and memorable memory of our life. It is mainly because of our school friends and and the environment we have in our school. It is the only time we can spend as much time as we can with our school friends have fun play games and study our favorite subjects. Image Source School life is one of the first stage when we enter public life. School helps us in building our future it also teaches us morals and virtues like perseverance, sincerity, truthfulness,…

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Mother is the most important person in everyone’s lifetime. Mother loves her child more than everyone else does. Her level of forgiveness for her children is unmatchable. A mother sacrifices everything for her children. Her sacrifices are more than everyone else’s sacrifices. She even sacrifices her happiness for her children. No one else can care this way for their children as mothers do. The things taught by the mother to her children play important role in the child’s future. This decide how the child will be in future whether he…

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Life is not fair and easy on anybody. Everybody has some tension and age related problems in life, irrespective of age. To keep the body perfectly fit and tension free is not the rent we have to pay to exist in this world. Turning old is not a choice but living healthy is. Whether we are middle aged, we can live a reasonably peaceful and healthy life with self-confidence, eating right and balanced food, exposing ourself to sun shine within 3 hours of sun rise and within 3 hours before…

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We all know that, HARDWORK is the key to SUCCESS but with hardwork we all also need one most important thing to gain success that is EXPERIENCE which is gained by a FAILURE. In short, failures are also important if you learn a lesson. Failures always give an opportunity to do better. They are the original stepping stones to success. Success also depends on the way of living. Many of the people are jealous of you and thus they try to convince you to change your way of living, but…

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Unhealthy Lifestyle among Youth

For a comfortable and long life, physical and mental well being is the most important thing. But it’s very surprising that the youth today does not care about this fact. The youth today is leading a very unfit lifestyle which results in them being prone to various diseases. According to a survey, 8 out 10 youngsters prefer staying indoors and have a lot of junk instead of home cooked healthy food. Image Source Not only the unhealthy eating habits contribute to the worsening of the situation but the distributed schedule…

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Human being is that the most lovely creation of god. We tend to all born to be equal however our society has given higher position to males. In sacred text age women enjoyed an awfully respectable position within the society. However at the moment the condition of the women deteriorated and in eighteenth century women were the victims of many social evils like sati, purdah system, polygamy etc. Then with the assistance of social reforms like Swami Vivekananda, Raja Rammohan Roy and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan etc the condition of…

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Internet is growing by the day. More and more people are getting connected while new websites are being created everyday. The entry of private Internet service providers has made the access faster and easier, which has been a boon for the industry. The rapid growth is giving rise to many employment opportunities and trained people will be required for a variety of services related to the Internet. Many people are able to find jobs through the Internet as there are many sites on which one can put one’s resume. The…

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