You only feel negative when you think about something constantly and starts giving your own opinion towards yourself like you are worthless and much more. What you think, you automatically become that kind of person. So it is better to divert your mind on something that gives you positive vibes. It is only you who can distract yourself from such negativity.  Everybody in this world face a lot of problems daily, it doesn’t mean that they quit to find happiness. A person can only become positive, when he will start…

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We as a society are very judgmental. We just need a thing or two and then we form our opinions about them. People should not be judged because of their choices. There are things which might go right for them, which were wrong for you. Image Source We should not judge people. We never knew the effect our judgments have on people’s mental health. It is a human nature to be judgmental. But we should try to be as inclusive about people’s choices as we can be. Always be kind…

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I can be IGNORANT too!

In today’s society with every individual having a strong voices and opinions on things I think a bit different sometimes having no say in things that does not interest you is completely fine. Youth nowadays is so credence on matters such as political shambles and celebrity world that if one choose to be quiet they are stated as dunderhead and cowards. Which is wrong according to my sense of knowledge. Until and unless its part of your work to be aware of something it should be your choice to talk about…

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