ANGER is Healthy

Anger is a common and a completely normal response to a situation in which, person finds difficult to react in a positive manner and the simplest solution seems to pique it out. Image Source While everyone out there says that anger is bad and one should avoid it, I personally feel that anger to a level where you are not hurting anyone through obnoxious words is good for your mental health. If you keep on accumulating stuff in your head and will not let that out it will make you…

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  We all are doing great in our jobs. We are happy and satisfied with our work and everyone likes our work too. But does that mean that we have accomplished our goal? Does that mean that no more improvising is required? Image Source No, we are in a world where there is no space for stagnation. We have to constantly grow ourselves. Always try to find new solutions to already solved problems. This will help you increase your horizons and will eventually lead to an improvement. We should cherish…

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Not always it is necessary to fish for answers, something’s are better unsaid and just felt. Whenever we are in a dilemma of situations we run for the quick and the most suitable answer we can find. We worry ourselves and just keep on thinking in one space. But if we try to look deeper in this we may find peace, in not knowing the correct answer because sometimes life is as it is complicated and unsolved. I believe that some mysteries are good, they are the reason for an…

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Having a control on your actions both physically and mentally is very important. Controlling emotions nowhere say that we have to be emotionless. Image Source  It is a power which we gain from experiences which teaches us to be strong in every possible life situation. We should know the talent of getting less affected from words and deeds of others. Our attitude towards things changes the whole perception, there are many possible ways to deal from a situation and the best way is to just let it go thinking that…

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I am very sure that this situation is well versed with everyone out there reading this. I am in a constant dilemma of following my heart or trusting the instinct of my mind. There is no simplified answer to this, this can rather be termed as an unanswered and delayed question over centuries. I am no great , I cannot provide you with the correct option as the answer lies in you, no one can think as you are thinking and same way no one can feel the same. We…

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Trust is a word that gives us a feeling of belonging and makes us feel protective. But for someone like me it’s difficult to trust people, because when you truly start trusting someone you give him/her a power on you. Which can revoke your inner believes. But that doesn’t mean that you should never trust someone. Never go by what one says but go with the actions they perform, go with the ideology they follow and trust them by heart and not by mind. Whenever you are fully trusting a…

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Self-love is the greatest love I have heard this line many times. But let’s just go deep to know the real meaning of this. For me self-love is self-care and respect for myself. Before I expect others to respect my point of view I need to respect mine and not get influenced by others, having enough believe in yourself is self-l ove. In the busy walks of life we sometimes get too involved that we forget to take care of ourselves, rushing to solve the chaos or just for a…

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Seeking validation is valid

For major part of my life I was the most carefree and ignorant when it comes to seeking validation. As I am person with self-made targets and strong opinions. I never really bothered what one is thinking of my work as to the extend where I am satisfied. Last Sunday sitting up with a cup of coffee and my imaginations, I wondered how things would have been if I considered others suggestions and welcomed negative comments. Things would be different, different from what I always lived with. Maybe I will…

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