School life is one of the important and memorable memory of our life. It is mainly because of our school friends and and the environment we have in our school. It is the only time we can spend as much time as we can with our school friends have fun play games and study our favorite subjects. Image Source School life is one of the first stage when we enter public life. School helps us in building our future it also teaches us morals and virtues like perseverance, sincerity, truthfulness,…

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Classroom is a diverse place. Students from different background and cultures study together. Here are types of students you come across in a classroom: Image Source The Topper ones They are the ones which are usually found on front benches. They don’t waste their time in gossips and creating nuances. Rather, they can be spotted engrossed in their books all the time. The Sports Enthusiasts They are the ones who are usually found in playgrounds. Though they bring lot of accolades but they are rarely seen in class. The “Love-birds”…

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