The power of good communication can never be underestimated. Communication is prerequisite for everyone in whatever job they are. The very first impression of a person is made only by his/her communication style, body language too plays a role here. But physical appearance and body language cannot overpower communication.
For you to communicate easily you should be aware of some basic facts related to it. Every person around you is open to conversations we all live in a world where everyone is keen to make friends and no one wants to be left out. People will like to talk to you only when they are attracted to the way you speak or the sense of humor you show. It is important to be presentable while communicating but at the same time being fake is not a trait of good communication.
Everyone is attracted to positives, one should be real while communicating. Spreading joy with everything you speak is a bliss.
So keep talking and spread happiness, with your words to the extent possible.