Nowadays, we see a lot of people breaking up. Whether they are celebrities, someone we know and even we ourselves. I am not going to discuss the pros and cons of breakup. That is something which we all know. Image Source Breakup happens, because people tend to fall apart for one or another reason. It can be difference of personalities, lack of compatibility, different priorities or falling out of love, yes, this happens. Most of the times, I have seen people talking negatively about their ex and their past relationships.…

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Dowry is been practiced from long time in India. However, we condemn this practice but it is very much practiced in our society now too. Dowry System is defined as giving of gift, wealth, goods to the family of bridegroom as a condition. People might say that all this is for daughter only but we all know the truth that all these things are taken by the groom’s family. Image Source Men are treated superior in our society and for the same reason the dowry is being given to them.…

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