There is no such exact definition which will make you a good leader. It depends on various qualities that one needs to have.  The successful leaders are those who respect others. His utmost priority is to satisfy the needs and wants of his followers.  Those who guide others with respect and dignity are the real leaders. As a leader, if you are unable to meet the needs and wants of others, you are disrespecting them. A leader has a vision. He has a plan, a plan to execute and…

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“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.”                                                                                                                                        Napoleon Hill…

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Self-improvement is a start to understand who you are and thinking about yourself from your own perspective. You need to understand that no matter what you show from outside, from inside only you know who you are and what are your interests and passion. You don’t need to show something to anybody which you are not. Because internally it will only hurt you as you will keep thinking about what you said. Start looking at yourself. Be yourself and try to improve yourself. Start from something small and achieve it.…

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I am very sure that this situation is well versed with everyone out there reading this. I am in a constant dilemma of following my heart or trusting the instinct of my mind. There is no simplified answer to this, this can rather be termed as an unanswered and delayed question over centuries. I am no great , I cannot provide you with the correct option as the answer lies in you, no one can think as you are thinking and same way no one can feel the same. We…

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                                           “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.”                                                      Miles Davis Time is the most important thing in the world. Whatever we are, it is because of time. People should understand its importance and should not waste it. As we all know, “Time and…

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Self-love is the greatest love I have heard this line many times. But let’s just go deep to know the real meaning of this. For me self-love is self-care and respect for myself. Before I expect others to respect my point of view I need to respect mine and not get influenced by others, having enough believe in yourself is self-l ove. In the busy walks of life we sometimes get too involved that we forget to take care of ourselves, rushing to solve the chaos or just for a…

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Trust is a word that gives us a feeling of belonging and makes us feel protective. But for someone like me it’s difficult to trust people, because when you truly start trusting someone you give him/her a power on you. Which can revoke your inner believes. But that doesn’t mean that you should never trust someone. Never go by what one says but go with the actions they perform, go with the ideology they follow and trust them by heart and not by mind. Whenever you are fully trusting a…

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Seeking validation is valid

For major part of my life I was the most carefree and ignorant when it comes to seeking validation. As I am person with self-made targets and strong opinions. I never really bothered what one is thinking of my work as to the extend where I am satisfied. Last Sunday sitting up with a cup of coffee and my imaginations, I wondered how things would have been if I considered others suggestions and welcomed negative comments. Things would be different, different from what I always lived with. Maybe I will…

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We have always been taught to be truthful and not to lie. But people do lie and being untruthful. In the name of not hurting others feelings or when they do something which is not acceptable then they lie. Lying is a learnt behavior and not natural like other things like hunger or laughter. Image Source People lie sometimes to portray themselves the way want to be. They promote themselves in the name of lying. In order to gain moment’s pleasure, people lie. This is done sometimes in order to…

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